Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Guild Banks

Why do you have a guild bank?

To keep a large amount of benefitable items for the guild and its mates to use.
Say a guildie needs one large prismatic shard yet the cheapest one on the ah is 21gold the guild bank should give them one or w/e they need as long as they make an effort to put things in or pay it forward.

Why do guilds have banks that dont allow people to use them??

Affraid of being hacked and sold? Dont play the game then or go online by that matters.
Some new people dont deserve to use the guild bank? Then dont invite them into your guild.

Those are things that ruffle my feathers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I don't get why there would be a huge guild bank full of "goods" that no one can feel free to use at will. They have to ask, make sure its OK and even then might feel guilty for taking the item. Maybe that's just me. I don't like to donate money to a guild but I will donate things like leather, herbs, etc. but is that enough for the guild to hand over those sweet blue legplates that are staring me in the face?